Sunday, January 1, 2023

what is gematria?

Gematria is an ancient numerological system believed to have originated from Hebrew tradition. The system assigns numerical values to words, which are then used to gain insight into a phrase or a word's true meaning. Gematria is popular amongst many Eastern cultures and religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and it remains strongly associated with the distinct patterns and psychic energy of numbers.

The word 'Gematria' itself derives from the Greek word 'geōmetriā', meaning 'geometry'. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is assigned its own numerical value, known as its gematria value. From this number, new interpretations can be made based on the total value of each word or phrase that is being studied.

One popular form of gematria known as "Notarikon" involves taking each letter of a name or phrase and seeing what two-letter combinations form words that may have a deeper symbolic meaning when combined with the original text. This method can reveal underlying codes within sacred texts that can reveal invaluable information about certain topics once unfathomed by those who study it.

Gematria has been used for centuries as a way of discovering numerological meanings within literature and biblical scripture. By understanding how numbers influence energy patterns within language, it becomes much easier to decode hidden messages within various sources of writing. This allows spiritual seekers to gain greater insights into the text they are studying without relying on external sources altogether.

See more about gemstria

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